A Step Towards Improving Salaries and Creating Job Opportunities
By: [Ahmed Saber, President of the Kurdistan Teachers Union - Iraq]
In a significant step towards achieving social justice and equality among retirees, the Kurdistan Regional Government recently announced the implementation of the Unified Retirement Law No. 9 of 2014, in response to the ruling of the Federal Supreme Court issued in November 2022. This long-awaited decision not only improves the conditions of retirees but also extends its impact to creating new job opportunities for young people, particularly in the education sector.
Improving Retirees' Salaries: Long-Awaited Justice
The implementation of the Unified Retirement Law marks a significant milestone for retirees in the Kurdistan Region, raising the minimum pension from 220,000 dinars to 500,000 dinars per month. This increase enhances financial stability for retirees and contributes to improving their living conditions in line with the country’s economic circumstances.
New Job Opportunities for Graduates: Addressing Unemployment
With the enforcement of the law, a large number of employees will be retired, creating new job vacancies that require young and qualified candidates. In the education sector, this decision will open the door for employment opportunities for graduates of colleges of education and sciences, helping to reduce the high unemployment rates among young people.
The Government’s Role in Supporting Employment
To maximize the benefits of these opportunities, the regional government must take a series of supportive measures, such as:
• Developing clear employment plans to accommodate new graduates.
• Allocating budgets to support new hires in schools.
• Organizing training programs to prepare young graduates for integration into the educational job market.
Education in the Region: A Promising Future with Young Professionals
Introducing young teaching professionals into the educational field contributes to improving the quality of education in the region. New graduates bring modern knowledge and expertise aligned with contemporary teaching methods. Additionally, revitalizing educational institutions with fresh talent helps alleviate pressure on current teaching staff, leading to better academic performance in schools.
Implementing the Unified Retirement Law in the Kurdistan Region is a positive step on multiple levels. It ensures justice for retirees and creates job opportunities for graduates, particularly in the education sector. With proper planning by the relevant authorities, this decision could serve as a turning point in improving the job market and enhancing the quality of education in the region.