Dear Kurdish People …
Sincere and selfless teachers …
On May 15, 2023, Kurdistan Teachers Union (KTU) celebrates its 61st anniversary. It is clear that our syndicate served the educational process on the one hand and participated in the liberation struggle in order to meet the wishes of the Kurdish people, on this occasion, we send our greetings to the founding committee of this struggling organization and those who sacrificed their lives in this sovereign march.The Kurdistan Teachers Union considers it its duty to respect retired teachers and see them in a good health, while respecting every teacher at all stages of education from kindergartens to universities and institutes, including lecturers, including those who have patiently fulfilled their educational and humanitarian duties despite all obstacles and we hope that this occasion will be appropriate. It will be the beginning of the end of problems and the beginning of a wide openness to teachers, and finally the process of education and higher education.
Ladies and gentlemen... beloved ones
On this historic and enthusiastic occasion, Kurdistan Teachers Union considers it its duty to convey the voices and demands of teachers to the three presidencies of Kurdistan Region and all political parties and officials in the following fields:
1- All political parties must work hard to end all unnecessary problems and conflicts because there is a fact that must be taken into account, which is that the interests of the Kurdistan Region are above everything.
2- The Kurdistan Regional Government should increase its efforts and make education and higher education a priority for its work and programs, as well as provide the necessary budget and practically this global slogan ((Let's invest in good and high-quality education)).
3- The process of raising teachers’ salaries, which is a legal requirement, should be resumed and not delayed for any reason.
4- The bank account will be opened for teachers and the savings and salary deductions will be deposited in them, and then work to be taken advantage of.
5- Law No. 9 of the year 2014, the unified for Retirees should be implemented. So that all retirees who have devoted their life in the process of education will benefit from it.
6- Ending to the problem of lectures being officially employed or contracted, there should be no excuse to delay this much needed solution.
7- It has also been decided to hold elections and a teachers' congress as soon as possible.
It remains to be emphasized that Kurdistan Teachers Union will never give up these demands, once again, congratulations to everyone, I hope that next year when this anniversary is celebrated, many of the requests will be implemented well.
The efforts of the Kurdistan Teachers Union should continue
Towards the full realization of legal rights

Kurdistan Teachers Union
Secretariat Bureau
15 / 05 / 2023